3rd 144
20) 555th vs. Genesis 22:7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his Father, and said, my Father, and he said, here am I, my Son. And he said, behold the fire and the wood, but where is THE LAMB for a burnt offering? 1347

Process method B & C

1278th vs. Genesis 42:25 1599

18 31 55 13 37 (154)

1+8 9

3+1 4

5+5 10 > 1

1+3 4

3+7 10 > 1

154 > 10 > 1

9+4+1+4+1 19 > 10 > 1


1+5+4+1+9 > 20 > 2

154 + 19 173 > 11 > 2

There are 31102 verses in the scriptures.

B) 94141 – (31102x3=93306) = 835

835th vs. Genesis 30:4 555 And she gave him Bilhah her handmaid to wife, and Jacob went in unto her.

1+2+7+8 18

1+2+7+8+4+2+2+5 31

1+2+7+8+4+2+2+5+1+5+9+9 55

4+2+2+5 13

4+2+2+5+1+5+9+9 37

1599th vs. 66th vs. Exodus 3:19 762

36 49 64 13 28 (190)

3+6 9

4+9 13 > 4

6+4 10 > 1

1+3 > 4

2+8 > 10 > 1





1+9+0+1+9 > 20 > 2

190 +19 209 > 11 > 2


835th vs. Genesis 30:4 555 And she gave him Bilhah her handmaid to wife, and Jacob went in unto her.

1st 144

16) 1058th Genesis 36:17 And these are the sons of reuel esau's son, duke nahath, duke zerah, duke shammah, duke mizzah, these are the dukes that came of reuel in the land of edom, these are the sons of b-ashe-MATH, esau's wife.

End A


17) 286th vs. Gen 11:19 762
And peleg lived after he begat reu two hundred and nine years, and begat sons and daughters. 762

30) 1599th vs. 66th vs Exodus 3:19 762
And I AM sure that the king of egypt will not let you go, No, Not by a ~~~MIGHTY HAND~~~

End B 17th vs. 1st 144

4th 144

26) 1051st vs. Genesis 36:10 1038 These are the names of esau's sons, eliphaz the son of adah the wife of esau, reuel the son of b-ashe-MATH, the wife of esau.

b-ashe-Math 77

End A/B 9th vs. 4th 144

6th 144

23) 1054th vs. Genesis 36:13 990 And these are the sons of reuel, nahath and zerah, shammah and mizzah, these were the sons of b-ashe-MATH ,esau's wife.

9th 144

15th gorgeously 144


1) 21020th vs. 555th vs Ezekiel 23:12 she doted upon the assyrians her neighbours, captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously, horsemen riding upon horses, all of them desirable young men. 1515

9th 144

20) 10536th vs. 283rd vs. 1 Chronicles 6:81 555 And Heshbon with her suburbs, and Jazer with Her Suburbs.

End A/A 20th vs. 3rd 144

18th vs. 16th 144

18) 835th vs. Genesis 30:4 555 And she gave him Bilhah her handmaid to wife, and Jacob went in unto her. Method B

End A/D 20th vs. 3rd 144

555 Hebrew Gematria

And Enoch walked with GOD after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters, And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years, And Enoch walked with GOD, and he was not For GOD took him.

Genesis 5 (vs. 5)

The idea of walking - (Halekh = 55) - is closely related to the Number 5

The Number 555
And Enoch walked [Gen 5.24]

The people who walked in darkness [Is 9.2]

Desire, lust [1Joh 2.16]

Discerning [S# G1253]

Hand of Israel [Jud 3.30]

The Eagle [Pro 30.19]

The Rulers

The kingdoms of nations [Is 13.4]

Before the king (Full) [Est 1.11]

Factors: 5 x 111 = 3 x 5 x 37